Plattling, Daimler Buses GmbH, Daimler Buses Service Center Plattling

Number of Employees




Gottlieb-Daimler Straße 16

94447 Plattling


Daimler Buses is a subsidiary of the Daimler Truck AG and responsible for all European activities within the bus sector.

Being the inventor of the omnibus and with our globally established brands Mercedes-Benz and Setra, we are pioneers in the production of omnibuses. We set standards in security, comfort, design and environmentalism – an ambitious goal which all of our highly motivated employees try to implement with consistency and enthusiasm. We have gained and further developed a competitive advantage with peak power so that we can satisfy our customers permanently. This is only possible due to modern production and manufacturing methods as well as most notably due to the excitement and know-how of the involved people.

Daimler Buses offers great opportunities in return: We promote and require the individual development of our employees by giving incentives for good ideas and special achievements and providing a broad variety of information, training and further education offers – nationally and internationally, fitting their respective interests and abilities. These include remuneration models according to one’s own performance, social benefits and last but not least high standards in a family-conscious human resource policy.

Goal is to reach the right balance between private and professional life.